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Writer's pictureTalbot Finch

3. Christmas has come and gone.

The week after Christmas is a complicated time. After weeks of ever-mounting anticipation, there is sudden, overwhelming emptiness. I, like many, try to fill the void by looking ahead to New Year’s Eve, but it is hard to feel anything other than dread when looking to the future. To say that the past few years have not been good to us is a gross understatement.

However, I am determined to remain bright and optimistic. I choose to believe that the year ahead will bring good things—new friends, new opportunities, new accomplishments—not just for me, but for everyone. This time next year we will be reflecting on how much we have all grown and evolved.

I don’t exactly subscribe to the idea of New Year’s Resolutions, but I do think it is a good practice to set an intention for the year ahead and decide what sorts of things one wants to prioritize. Personally, I want to prioritize my mental wellbeing and physical health. That doesn’t mean I plan to start a rigid exercise regimen; rather, I simply want to move my body more and eat more of the things it appreciates. On top of this, I want to prioritize writing and, perhaps more importantly, sharing my writing.

That said, be on the lookout for a new short story in the coming month.

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